
The actions part lists what the bot can do on behalf of the user. When deciding what to say, the bot will try to match the first relevant action, fulfill its dependencies and performing it, either a saying something or calling a remote API.

Actions might have some dependencies, defined under the needs section.

In addition - it might not make sense to do some things unless some conditions are met. This is what the when section is for.

For example:

  - say: I can only help with pizza reservations.
      not: *wants-pizza
  - say:
      say-remote: http://localhost:8000/order-pizza
        - key: toppings
            ask: What kind of toppings would you like?
              - mushrooms
              - olives
              - tomatoes
              - onions
        - key: size
            ask: What pizza size would you like?
              - small
              - medium
              - large
    when: *wants-pizza

The remote server will be invoked with an HTTP post and a JSON body. The JSON will contain key-value mapping of known values from the needs definition. The server should respond with a string, or null to indicate nothing to say.